Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Mash Game: Predict Your Future at eSPIN-the-Bottle

Behold... My Future
  I will marry Mr. Darcy.  
  After a wild honeymoon, We will settle down in Virginia in our fabulous Apartment.  
  We will have 1 kid(s) together.  
  Our family will zoom around in a Whilte Austin Martin.
  I will spend my days as a Romance Novelist, and live happily ever after.  
whats your future

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Since she's the one who convinced me to start this blog in the first place, I thought Rae deserved some recognition. And since my favorite way to do that is to embarrass her and make her laugh, here are some of my favorite recent Rae stories:

After returning home from a recent trip, Rae's friend picked her up at the airport. He came with a gift: an all-day sucker.

**Anyone with as dirty a mind as Rae and I have is already giggling.**

He, however, does not. He likes to think he does, but he most certainly does not. His response to Rae's comments about the sucker was: I brought you 2 all-day suckers. I'm the other sucker for coming to get you whenever you want!

Dude, does the man realize what he just offered?!? Nope. And that's the funniest part!

A couple weeks ago, with the same friend, Rae took a walk in an old cemetary. This is not odd behavior for Rae--she's just that eclectic (er, I mean classy). But what was odd is that they found a knife--creepy. So, being the upright citizens they are (insert laugh here), they called the police to report it and turn it in. Here's the best part: when the officer showed up, he was a tall hottie named Officer Roarke! *Swoon* So what does my BFF do? She calls me immediately of course--cause she knew I'd swoon with her. Ah, Roarke.

For those who don't get why that last story makes me grin, you really need to read the murder myster/romance books by J.D. Robb.

And now, just to make Rae laugh, here's my last tribute for today to her and our friendship:


I love you babe!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I Wanna Drive the Bookmobile

I just found my dream job.

When my kids are grown and gone, I want to drive the Bookmobile. Not only would I get to spend my days surrounded by books, but I'd get to travel all over the county too! I'd be a traveling librarian. And truly, I don't really care if they pay me or not--which I'm guessing will make me the perfect employee. LOL

So, in about 15 years or so, when you see me at the DMV getting my CDL (which the Z-Man tells me I must have), you'll know why.

Someday, I wanna drive the bookmobile.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cute? Crazy? YEP!

The other week, I was in the store looking for new pajamas--the holes had taken over my old ones. So, I decided scrubs and a t-shirt would be comfy--then, I found this and couldn't resist:

I think this sums me up pretty darn well.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

You Mean Me?!?

I've been trying to blog this story for quite a while now, but every time I tell it, it sounds like I'm bragging. In fact, there are dozens of my close friends who should hear this story, but I HATE sounding like I'm proud of myself--or like I think I'm something special. I've decided that can't be helped--every time I think about this, I get giddy. So, if I'm bragging, I guess we'll all survive.

I met someone whom I admire a great deal. In fact, in my eyes, this person has reached celebrity status. I was terribly nervous, and excited, and giddy, and bewildered that it could even happen to me. But meeting this person didn't turn out to be the best part! It got better!

We spent quite a bit of the time together talking about movie stars and other famous people that this person has met. All of the "beautiful people" I dream about meeting. Then, as I'm standing next to this person who I admire so greatly, they turn to me and say "You are SO beautiful!"

I think my heart stopped beating for a second. I'm quite surprised I didn't drop right then and there. And I was absolutely certain I had imagined the whole thing. Except that everyone around me heard the same thing!

Now, I know that my mother has been telling me all my life that I'm beautiful. My friends tell me that too, and I'm going to assume that the Z-Man still likes the way I look. But to have someone I admire from afar--who has met some of the most beautiful people on the planet--and who I have just met (so they would have no alterior motive, right?)--tell me I'm beautiful. . . .well, that just made my lifetime!

So, thanks! I'm going to go do more happy dancing now.