Monday, December 10, 2012

The past couple weeks have been busy for us.  First we welcomed a new visitor.
May I introduce Wilbur, our Elf:

Isn't he a cutie?
Sometimes we find him in the silliest places.

 The kids are having a blast talking to Wilbur and looking for him every morning.  Sometimes he even moves during the day when no one is looking.  The Z-man and I are having just as much fun with him as the kids are.

Also this week, Zippy earned his Bob Cat award.  We're very proud of him.  We've all had a slow start in Cub Scouts, but we're getting the hang of it now and moving right along.

Does the fact that Zippy had to give me a pin mean I've earned MY Bob Cat too?
And Little Man got to help me make cookies all by himself for the first time.  Usually he has to share the helping jobs with Zippy or Munchkin.  But this afternoon, it was just me and my Little Man.  I wish I had a picture of him trying to cool off the cookies.  He took a hot-pad and waved it back and forth above the cookies.  Too cute! We had a GREAT time, and even did the dishes when we were done!

I'm amazed he didn't even try to snitch one when I wasn't looking.  What a sweet boy!

Here's hoping everyone is having a wonderful and peaceful Christmas season.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Family Update

We are still here.  We have survived a move to a new city, 
Zippy as a panther/pokemon/ninja/I'm not sure what else

Munchkin as a bunny-butterfly-princess
Little Man in his dragon costume.  The sucker was a bribe for getting in the costume.
Apparently it didn't cover looking at the camera.

and now we're settling in and enjoying ourselves:
With the Z-man.  Someday he'll smile for a picture. . .

Little Man couldn't believe how fun sledding was.

Zippy hamming it up again.

Munchkin screamed all the way down every single time.  
More updates and details to come!  
See you soon!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

For Tonight

My hair is medium brown--not dark and glossy, not light and full of life--just medium brown scattered with a few dozen gray hairs that seem to multiply every few days.  My eyes are somewhere between blue and gray.  Unremarkable and usually hidden behind glasses smudged by little fingers.  I am at least 30 pounds overweight and often uncomfortable in my own skin.  My kitchen is full of dishes and the floor is littered with crumbs.  Laundry is piled in the corners of every bedroom.  My yard is full of weeds.  My kids spent ours watching TV today while I struggled with a stomach bug.  I usually don't bother to put pants on my 2-year-old, and I often forget to check the toilet seat for drips before I sit down.  It feels like weeks since I connected with another adult in a meaningful way.  And I have ignored this blog and nearly every other form of writing for months.

But tonight, as the sun sank and the house became quiet, Little Man crept out of his bedroom, climbed into my lap, and snuggled in to sleep.  My soft body was a comfortable place to rest at the end of the day.  The not-so-clean house filled with the peace of sleeping children.  My sometimes lonely heart beat slowly against my precious son's own heart.  And, for tonight, I'm OK.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

33 Things

I have finished my list of 33 things to do before I turn 33. That gives me until the end of May. I'm actually looking forward to all these things. Here they are in no particular order:

1. Run a 5k--scheduled for Race for the Cure in May
2. Lose weight--at least 10 pounds
3. Decorate for a Holiday
4. Get a Massage
5. Buy myself a floppy gardening hat
6. Finish a cross-stitch project for Tucker
7. Make a Summer Fun List with the kids
8. Surprise for Mom and Dad--more details to come later
9. Start Mom and Me Journal with Zippy
10. Princess Day for me
11. Sing loudly in the car with the windows down--until I get funny looks from other people
12. Try a new food
13. Play a hymn in Sacrament Meeting on the organ using the pedals--this is going to be hard
14. Play with the kids at every park in my subdivision
15. Sleep with the kids in a blanket fort
16. Memorize Psalm 33
17. Listed to a 33 rpm record--this will take some help from friends
18. Learn how to use power tools
19. Take pictures in a photo booth
20. List 33 ways to be like my Mom
21. Sing Hymn 33
22. Read the biography of someone I admire
23. Try 33 different flavors of ice cream
24. Finish the scrapbook of Tucker's first year
25. Spend a night without the kids--probably a sleep-over at Grandma's house
26. Watch at least one movie of each Jane Austen novel
27. Spring Cleaning--the whole house this time
28. Attend Leah's ballet recital
29. Get William baptized
30. Make end-of-the-year gifts for all the kids' teachers
31. Start a smash journal
32. Spend a day alone
33. ?--this one is blank on purpose. It will stay blank until I find that one most awesome idea to fill it with.

I can't wait to get started--and I better not delay anyway. Some of them will take a fair amount of time.

Friday, February 17, 2012

How Do You Know?

I’ve been thinking about my goals a lot over the past few weeks. Some of them I’ve made progress on, and some not so much. I’ve realized that I set very high expectations for myself. It will be interesting to see if I can reach them.

My #1 goal (improving my relationship with God) has been on my mind a lot. This is a difficult goal in that there isn’t a tangible, easy-to-see way to track my progress. For me, this is a goal that is both never done (because I can always improve and draw closer to God), and done as soon as I take the first step (because I’m then one step closer with all the blessings that come from that). I’ve felt both discouraged when I second-guess my worthiness, and hopeful when I feel the Spirit stronger than I have for quite a while.

Which is all a long way of saying I’m not sure where to go with this goal. I want to continue reading scriptures every day, praying many times during the day, fasting, attending the temple, and all the basics of my religion that keep my on the path I want to follow. But beyond that, how do I track where I’m at? And should I even attempt to track that? Am I far enough along with the changes I wanted to make that I can take some of my energy and focus and apply them to another goal? Can I rely on the habits I have started over the past month and a half to keep me moving forward and avoid standing still or falling back?

These are all questions that plague me when I try to evaluate my goals for the year. And none of them have an easy answer. I have definitely felt an increase of the Spirit. I find myself humming hymns and craving the spiritual lift I get from the scriptures. These are all good signs.

I think I’m at a point where I can readjust my attention onto other goals. I hope that as long as I keep the desire to draw close to God forefront in my mind when planning everything else, I can rely upon the habits I have created over a lifetime (and renewed just lately) to direct me. But it’s a little scary with something so important to relax any effort without being absolutely sure of where I am. Unfortunately, I have a long way to go before I could come close to being able to claim guaranteed salvation (really, who could claim that?). And I can’t neglect everything and everyone else in an effort to improve myself. That would be counterproductive at the end of the day.

I would love to hear anyone else’s thoughts on this.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

2012 Resolutions

  1. Improve my relationship with Heavenly Father
  2. Become a more deliberate and involved Mother
  3. Reach a healthy weight and run a 5K
  4. Pay off all debt except our mortgage (Dave Ramsey step 2)
  5. Organize and redecorate the entire house
  6. Earn an income from writing
  7. Finish all my unfinished crafts and projects

Does this sound a little overwhelming to anyone else?

I’ve worked out a system (using bits and pieces of recommendations from tons of sources) to break each one into itty-bitty bites. Things that I can handle. I list each mini-step on my to-do list for the week, and so far, that’s been moving me closer to my goals than I would have imagined I could be by now.

What goals are you working on? Any ideas or advice on my goals? Does anyone else love setting and planning goals as much as I do?

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Announcing the Arrival Of. . . .


Yes, we've added another dog--a puppy to be exact.

She's a little mischievous:

But she's also cute, so we forgive her:

Really, who could stay mad at this:
She's very young, and very little. But she won't be either one for long. She's a boxer, and will likely be 50-60 pounds based on the size of her parents. The Z-man has been wanting a boxer for years, so now we've gone and done it. She's a lot like a baby--she even wakes us up a couple times a night. But at least I didn't have to be pregnant to get this baby. :)

We love her, and the kids love her. As soon as we get her house-trained, we'll be set.

P.S. This post was supposed to be on Monday, but of course, my good intentions are no match for my bad luck with technology. Both the camera and the computer were giving me fits the past few days. Hopefully, we're beyond that and I can start updating regularly.