Sunday, October 2, 2016

In Which I Contemplate Giving Up Pinterest

I want to be a fun mom.

You know the one--that mom who is always down on the floor playing dolls, or making up games to make cleaning fun (I'm looking at you, Danielle ;)).

But I'm just not. I am a good mom. I am supportive, kind, and responsible. My kids are always fed, their homework is usually done, and their rooms get mucked out once in a while. I read with and to them, teach them right from wrong, and love them until they are overflowing.

And I am completely stressed out by the Pinterest boards I have filled with crafts, games, activities, and pretend play that I will never, ever do with my kids. I continually add to the boards. And I sometimes look through them. And I don't do them.

I don't like to play dolls. Legos bore me to tears. And I never seem to have the right supplies for the complicated crafts my kids want to do.

I have always been able to entertain myself and I can't wrap my head around the fact that these little humans want to interact!

I'm asking for help. How do I add more "fun" into our days in small, simple, cheap, non-pretend-play ways?  I already know I'm putting too much pressure on myself. (When do I not?) I need practical ideas. Any takers?

Saturday, October 1, 2016

In Which I Dream of Perfection . . . and I Begin Blogging (Again)

Today is the first of October—which, for many bloggers, is a month of posting every single day. In an effort to jumpstart my writing (again) and build a daily habit, I’m joining in.

Every day this month I will post about something I want to do, be, or have.

Today I want a perfect pen.

This is current favorite: the Pilot G-2.

I like the ease of writing, the bright colors, and the length of the pen itself.

I don’t like having to wait for the ink to dry so it doesn’t smear.
I wish the pen were just a little heavier and more substantial in my hand.
And I wish the great colors and cute polka dots came in the finer .05 tip.

I am also loving (mostly) these felt-tip pens from PaperMate.

Again, the colors are amazing. And this time, the thin precise lines are so so satisfying. Plus, the ink dries much faster so I don’t worry about smearing what I just put down.

But, I am terrified of bending the felt tips. So I write very carefully, and very slowly. And I don’t like the way it feels to write in cursive, which makes freewriting impossible with these pens.

I’ve tried hundreds of pens, both expensive and cheap, but I have yet to find the perfect pen. Sometimes, when I’m avoiding the writing or editing I should be doing, I daydream about the perfect pen. It would be heavy enough to feel solid in my hand without adding any strain over long periods of writing time. The tip would be quite fine, and the ink would miraculously flow easily with never a skip or smear. And it would have a homing device that would instantly bring it to me whenever I needed it.

Because, let’s be honest, the perfect pen is simply the one I can find.

Do you have the perfect pen? I’m always searching, so let me know!