Thursday, April 22, 2010

Do It Myself?!?

Ugh. It's been way too long since I posted on here. And really, I have no good excuse--well, except that I'm still trying to dig my way out of the house after being pregnant for a year and dealing with a baby and a 3-year-old and a 6-year-old at the same time. Anyone who says they get bored being a stay-at-home mom is crazy!!!

But just lately, I've been getting a lot done. I've been purging shelves and closets; donating or selling tons of stuff; and making a GINORMOUS list of projects I want to have done around the house. Then I realized something--I hate waiting. We've been in this house since Zippy was born, and now he's six. That's six years, folks. Six years that I've been waiting to do certain projects until I had time, or help, or could get Z-man to do it for me. Well, I'm done with that! I'm slightly obsessed with getting projects done right now. And I'm tired of looking around my house and thinking about all the things I want to do, but not doing them. So, I'm going to start doing them.

That's right. I'm going to decorate/renovate/finish my house. All by myself if need be. I AM WOMAN HEAR ME DRILL!! He he he. Well, OK, I'll still have to rely on Z-Man to do any electrical work, plumbing, fixing drywall, etc. Cause I'm not THAT crazy. But if I want something painted, I'll paint it. If I want something small built (or even big if I find I'm good at it), I'll build it. If I want something decorated I'll make something or buy something and then actually put it up. Enough with half-done rooms.

It may take me quite a while, but I'm going to do it. I'll try to post results here often--both big projects and little ones. Wish me luck!


  1. Ooooo, I hope you add a few pictures on here of your projects. I can hear you drilling from over here. Have fun!

  2. I still want to help! Pick a day next week and lets do it.
