Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I've been spending a lot of time trying to dig myself out of this house. It is not going quickly.

However, I have made significant progress in one area: my closet. With help from Kimmy and Christy, I managed to do this:

Yes, everyone, that is a clean and clear floor. In fact, that is what Z-man commented on first. Before he noticed I'd moved him out of the closet and into the dresser. LOL

Mmmm. Doesn't that look nice and organized. I'll eventually replace the boxes with bins in colors I like--but boxes are easier on the budget. As in free. I've gone in there just to stand and look and feel good. My closet may very well be my favorite room in the house now. And no, I don't have any before pictures. No one wants to see that--trust me. We cleared out more than would fit in a lawn-and-leaf garbage bag.
My most favorite part, though, isn't the organized clothes. Or the clear floor. Or knowing where everything is and being able to see it all. No, my favorite part is the enthusiasm with which Christy labeled my clothes:
He he he. This makes me giggle all the time. I don't just have socks. I have Socks!! And Layering Shirts!! I just love it. Now if I could just finish the downstairs bathroom. . . .


  1. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! I am totally laughing out loud... for real! We loved coming and helping you. It may sound crazy, but it really was fun. I love that your favorite part is that I labeled your stuff with exclamation points. They are a favorite of mine. Shouldn't socks, and shirts be exciting?!?
    Let me know when you're ready and I'll be back to tackle the bathroom with you. I'm pretty flexible these days. It's always much more fun doing it at other people's homes anyway.
